
For the ambitious hyper-achieving ADHDer who is ready to break free from overwhelm and create THEIR version of success in (and out) of the workplace!

You are ambitious, with BIG goals, & on the outside, you’re keeping your shit together... but if you are honest, things on the inside are a completely different story

I know you are ready for change but the idea of doing it feels impossible so you’re stuck in the same cycle

It almost feels as though you are just surviving, not thriving, and instead want to know exactly how to create a life that feels more fulfilling by managing/taking control of your ADHD

I see you

Right now, you're feeling:

  • Despite your achievements, you feel like an imposter fearing one day people will see through the mask at work

  • Your nights are restless, spent rehashing conversations and emails, worrying about what could happen tomorrow.

  • Small tasks seem monumental, and starting them requires a HUGE effort, you know you have so much potential but just need help starting!

Imagine feeling like

  • Your actions create noticeable, significant outcomes.

  • You're sharp and confident in deciding your next moves.

  • You’re celebrating your achievements comfortably 

  • You have a toolkit brimming with strategies to boost your confidence and self-acceptance.

This is exactly the work we will do together! 

Introducing Elevate, the 1:1 programme for hyper-achievers who want to work with their unique brain wiring so they can break free of overwhelm and create THEIR version of success in (and out) of the workplace!

Inside this high touch container we help you understand and embrace your neurodiversity so that you can transform the way you work. 

We provide you with practical tools and strategies tailored to YOU and your needs, focusing on setting healthy boundaries, managing stress effectively.

You’ll break down those overwhelming tasks into manageable steps so you can excel in the workplace and beyond.

  • Embrace new habits that allow you to achieve that promotion, nail that meeting, lead your team(s) with confidence 

  • Spot your early signs of stress and prevent burnout so you can feel in control and step out of overthinking loops

  • Create your version of inner peace so you can ditch the sleepless nights and feel in control of your life

After this container you will feel you can...


Meet Gabriella

She struggled with burnout, and overwhelming feelings of inadequacy and rejection. She knew she needed help to break free from these destructive patterns and step into her power. 

Our sessions have helped her set healthy boundaries at work, manage her people-pleasing tendencies, and approach her responsibilities with newfound clarity and confidence. 

She has moved from feeling stuck and misunderstood to being more in control of her life. 

"It is the best investment I have ever made"

What you can expect

  • Deep understanding of how you work best 

  • Personalised strategies that work with your brain so you step into your thriving space

  • Empowered self advocacy

  • Comfort in doing less of the things you like 

  • And into more of the things you love 

  • Find joy in daily activities again 

  • Redefined what your work life balance  - making it work for you 

Introducing the Elevate Programme

  • Ideal for hyper achievers who have spent their careers advancing at the expense of their well-being.

    Suitable for those newly diagnosed with ADHD or at the beginning of exploring  neurodiversity, ready to make significant changes but unsure where to start.

  • This programme is deeply tailored to the neurodiverse brain, with an emphasis on psychological safety and customised coping mechanisms.

    Provides an empathetic, understanding environment where individuals can explore their neurodiversity with support tailored to their unique situations and needs/

    Using KindTwo’s procrastination breaking framework enables you to break free from the procrastination that is holding you back (as featured on Tiimo!) 

  • Gain actionable insights and tools from someone who not only understands neurodiversity professionally but has also navigated these personal challenges.

    This programme offers a path to falling in love with your neurodiverse traits, personalised guidance like bumpers in a bowling lane helping you stay on track without imposing a rigid path! 

    Customisable Journey to Empowerment: This programme provides a framework that supports your unique journey through clear but adaptable goals. 

    Regular check-ins help ensure you are making progress while adjusting to your evolving needs, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Meet some of the ADHDers thriving with our support

Reema, Founder Data Consultancy

Gabriella - Head of Marketing

Justina - Founder , Global SEND specialist

Chapter 1: Focus and Intention

  • This chapter initiates your journey into understanding and harnessing your ADHD for personal and professional growth.

    We'll establish a safe space for and begin by setting clear intentions for what you aim to achieve over the next 12 weeks.

    • Establish clear personal and professional goals.

    • Begin exploring the concept of self-awareness as it relates to ADHD.

    • Understand the different types of rest and their importance in managing ADHD.

    • Goal Setting: Define what success looks like for you and outline your expectations for the programme.

    • ADHD Awareness: Discussion on the history of ADHD and personal metaphors that describe your experience.

    • The Seven Types of Rest: Explore how each type of rest (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Sensory, Creative, Spiritual) can be incorporated into your daily routine to enhance well-being.

    • Heart Work: Strengths Assessment: Complete an online assessment to identify your top character strengths and how they relate to your ADHD (Link provided).

  • Access to a resource library!

    Example worksheets: 3 that guide you through goal setting, understanding ADHD, and planning for rest (access to a whole library too!) 

  • Start your journey with a clear understanding of your objectives and how to achieve them.

  • Gain insights into managing ADHD with practical tools and strategies that you can immediately implement.

  • Develop a personalised approach to managing rest (crucial in balancing energy levels and maintaining focus!)

Hey there! Welcome to KindTwo! 

I’m Gina, founder and lead coach at KindTwo.

My journey has been squiggly and I’m here to give you the tools I’ve gathered throughout my self discovery journey.

I’ve burned out more times than I can count, living a life by someone else's rules while managing countless teams and projects. 

On the outside it seemed perfect, but inside I had lacked self belief. No matter how many times someone said ‘You’re doing great’.

Redundancy transformed my life, inspiring me to become the ally I wish I’d had to break free of shame. 

I created a life where I could turn my dreams into reality.

As a 1:1 coach, tech leader and trainer having worked with founders, leaders The Financial Times, Sainsbury’s, NHS, John Lewis, 10X Banking, and various start-ups - we’ll work together to turn your dreams into the life you’ve always wanted.